Friday, May 30, 2008

Why am I doing this?

I guess the most appropriate answer to that question is, "I have nothing better to do". I already have a livejournal, but usually my friends just want to know what I'm up to - they don't want to be inundated by a review a day (no matter how much good it might do some of them).

I don't believe in ratings - they frustrate me. So I won't be rating anything. I will try to draw on my freshly minted liberal arts degree to hold an open-ended discussion about those topics I know best - film and music (and, more rarely, books and other printed material - I am a slow and careful reader and get through fewer of these). Also, I will more rarely review art shows, usually photography - I am not an art history buff, but I am an amateur photographer with an understanding of photography.

I won't be reviewing only new material - only material which is new to me. I will include classics, based on the assumption that I could maybe write something new about them, as I have a viewpoint unique to the present and to myself.

Also, I am interested in a career in arts writing and I need some practice. Feedback is welcome.

I will try to get my first two reviews up today.

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